We buy houses in any condition


Making selling your house easier than ever

Do you have a house you need to sell?


People need to sell their house for all kinds of different reasons. 

  • Downsizing
  • Retiring
  • Avoiding Major Repairs
  • Tired of Dealing with Tenants
  • Avoiding Foreclosure
  • Divorce
  • Property Inheritance
  • Job Relocation
  • Job Loss

If any of these sound like your situation we can help. PCF Real Estate is a home buying investment company that puts our clients first. Many of the situations our clients are facing are stressful. We look at each clients situation and set a course to make selling their home as easy as possible.

With us you’ll pay zero real estate commissions, zero closing costs, no fees, we’ll buy your property as-is and best of all we can close extremely fast so you can get paid.

Why Work With PCF Real Estate?

We’ll buy As-Is – With PCF Real Estate there is no need to make any presale repairs to your property. We buy as is giving you one less thing to have to deal with
Pay No Agent Commissions – When working with PCF Real Estate you won’t need to worry about paying real estate agent commissions

Pay No Closing Costs – PCF Real Estate will cover all of your closing costs. When we make you an offer that’s the amount you can expect to see on the check you’ll receive at closing.

We’re Flexible – Need time before you can move out? Tenants living in the property? No matter what your situation is we’ll work with you.
No Clean Up – Are you dealing with a house full of contents that you just wish you could leave behind? No problem. Let us take care of cleaning the house out.
We’re Fast – Avoid the risk of your property sitting on the market for months. We are able to close extremely fast allowing you to get paid and move on

PCF Real Estate vs Real Estate Agent

A comparison selling to a real estate investor vs listing with a real estate agent

 Selling with an AgentSelling to PCF Real Estate
Commission6% on average is paid by the seller (you)NONE
Who Pays Closing Costs?2% on average is paid by the seller (you)NONE - PCF handles paying all closing costs
Averages Days on MarketVaries with no way of actually knowing - On Average 90 daysSOLD IMMEDIATELY
Number of ShowingsVaries with no way of actually knowing but it is safe to say usually more than one. Each occurrence potentially means hassling youOnly 1 - PCF
Appraisal NeededYes, and in most cases the buyer will have a contingency in their offer that states if they are unable to get financing the deal is offNO - Our cash offer is a buy as-is offer and does not involve any banks.
Closing TimeOn average 30-60 days after offer is acceptedAs fast as 10 days! (or later if you prefer due to your situation)
Potential for Deal to Fall ThroughTraditional selling brings the risk of multiple fall out possibilities. Buyer can't get financing, the appraisal doesn't meet the banks requirements, inspection issues and buyers remorse to name a few. ZERO - We make cash offers with the intent to close as soon as you would like. No appraisals, no inspections.
Who Pays for RepairsNegotiated during inspection period. PCF Real Estate is responsible for all repairs

How It Works


Contact Us

Give us a call or use the Receive an Offer form on our website. We’ll need to ask you some questions to learn about your property. We’ll then use this information to give you a ballpark estimate of what we can offer in less than 24 hours.


Meet Us

The next step in our process is to come and visit your property. We’ll use this time to review the properties condition and review any repairs that we will need to make. We will present you with our final offer before leaving and present a sales agreement to sign if you accept.


Set a Closing Date

The last step in the process is to close on the property and finalize the deal. We’ll handle all the paperwork and coordination of this so that the only thing you have to do is show up, sign the paperwork, and walk out with your money.